

Winter Is Coming

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Written By: Nick Romano

October 1, 2024

Winter Is Coming – Better Get Ready!

Yes, I know, the calendar says that it’s still Autumn. But rest assured, Winter is coming – and it’s getting closer by the day. What does that mean for the homeowner in Monmouth County, NJ? It means that it’s time to prepare your home and your property for the coming harsh weather. And the ravages that Winter weather brings to structures, the hardscape – including decks, porches, and patios – and accessories like outdoor kitchens, fountains, and lawn furniture. And the things you do now will save time, effort, and energy when the good weather finally returns in the Spring.

What Do I Have To Do Before Winter?

Preparing your house, your outdoor living space, property features, and accessories really boils down to three essential steps, regardless of whether the item is your gas grill, a vintage automobile, the siding on the house or the very roof over your head: Cleaning, Covering, and Storing. Now if we’re talking about the roof, we’ll not also be talking about covering or storing it. Obviously.

But you may be surprised to consider how many of the items we casually ignore can have their useful life extended a great deal simply by remembering to get ready for Winter with basic annual maintenance. And that has two very big advantages for us.

It saves Time. It saves Money.

And it does a third thing, too – it makes us look smart come Spring! And who doesn’t like to look smart?

Which Things Bring The Best Return?

What’s first? The driveway, the patio out back, or the grill? How about the lawn furniture? That’s the key question, isn’t it? And to answer it we need to consider three aspects: the replacement cost of the item, how much longer we can extend the item’s useful life, and what does this “basic annual maintenance” cost, right now? Wait a minute. There’s another aspect, but it can’t really be expressed as dollars and cents – and that aspect is the personal enjoyment and satisfaction that we derive just by taking good care of our possessions; being good stewards of those things we’ve been entrusted to enjoy and pass on to the others that come after us. That’s what it means to be a good steward of the resources we’ve been entrusted to preserve on this earth.

Cleaning For Winter

So, what should you tackle most urgently? Only you and your cleaning service provider can make that determination. But here are some of the targets to consider that are very popular with your Monmouth County neighbors.

Your House Itself – From Head-To-Toe

If you stand at the curb outside your house and look back at the property, you’ll know in an instant the kind of improvement that simple cleaning can bring to your entire structure. Roofs get discolored, stained, and begin to host mold and mildew as they age. Entryways age and discolor, becoming less and less inviting. Siding of all types, shutters, windows and doors made from a variety of materials – all are subject to stains, wind wear, mold and mildew. And all enjoy extended lives and enjoyment when properly cleaned.

Porches, Patios, Decks – The Full Hardscape

Whether concrete, brick, stone or masonry of any kind, your house’s hardscape is a key component of the visual impact your home makes on every observer. Including on you, each and every time you return home! Hardscape power washing brings a good return, because it is relatively inexpensive, and a thorough cleaning can make any hardscape look bright and new.

Outdoor Kitchens & The Entertainment Center

Family, friends, and business associates – in fact, any guest with an appetite – will appreciate the refresh and renewal steps you take around your outdoor entertaining. Whether it’s the gas grill, the tables and chairs, stainless steel cabinets, refrigerators, or so many more items, the use and enjoyment from your hard-earned investment will increase many-X when you get them ready for Winter. And when Spring does finally arrive again you will appreciate that your cleaning is already done!

Gutters & Leaders

Your home’s gutters and leaders deserve special mention, even though they are a part of your house’s structure, which we discussed above. Why? Because they are an integral part of maintaining the very soundness of your house. Cleaning gutters and leaders on an annual basis now will prevent bigger expense in the future, caused by water attacking your foundation. They’re easy to overlook but critical to include.


“Covering” these items refers to a practice that is quickly becoming very popular in Monmouth County in particular, due to the rough weather we commonly endure – Shrink-Wrapping. That is where an item – a table, a grill, an automobile, or use your imagination – is cleaned and covered in thin plastic film. The film is then heat-treated to shrink tightly around the item, providing complete protection against damaging Winter weather. Shrink-Wrapping doesn’t only provide seasonal storage protection. It is an important part of keeping and protecting valuables over the long term, too. (It also protects our personal possessions from prying eyes, as well.)

Table shrink wrapping in rumson nj

When the warm weather reappears in the Spring, simply removing the Shrink-Wrap reveals a clean and fresh item ready to be used and enjoyed for another season, without any additional effort.


“Storing”, in this context, refers to moving seasonal items to safekeeping until the weather improves in the Spring. This can be as simple as moving items to the garage. Or a storage shed until next year, or as involved as acquiring space and labor to store the items. Storing items in the off-season is a big part of extending their useful life. It also makes room for cold weather activities!

Don’t wait. Get up and go outside to look over your property. Decide which items most need to be Cleaned, Covered, and Stored for the Winter. Then call All Clean Exteriors at (732) 570-4923 or visit us online at www.allcleanexteriorsnj.com and we’ll get started together!

Check out this previous article to learn everything possible about gutters.

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