

Summer refresh

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Written By: Nick Romano

July 1, 2024

It’s Time For Your Refresh!

One more time, Summer seems to have appeared as if from nowhere. From cold, dreary weather with little desire to spend much time outdoors to sunshine, warmth and the drive to be outside as much as possible – the transition to Summer always seems sudden. Well, Summer’s here and there’s no time to waste: The time for a Summer Refresh is now.

Winter can be very tough here in Monmouth County, NJ. Between the extreme temperature swings we experience along with damaging winds and a wide variety of precipitation types;the ravages of Winter take a heavy toll. That toll leaves plenty of evidence behind: rust, lichen and algae stains on the roof itself; clogged and overflowing gutters; mildew marks and even mold on the surface of siding materials; grease and oil stains on blacktop, concrete, and other hardscape surfaces; baked-on grease and grime on the barbecue; and the list goes on…

If you are anything like the vast majority of American homeowners, your primary residence represents the single most valuable asset that you possess. And that’s important. The financial aspects of home ownership are a key component of your property’s Return On Investment (ROI). But equally critical is the personal pride and enjoyment that comes with ownership. And that just can’t be put into dollars and cents, can it?

So, What Is A Summer Refresh?

A Summer Refresh is the complete exterior cleaning of your property, using the appropriate mix of power washing equipment, cleansers, and operator skill to transform the appearance of your home. From the roof-line to the gutters, and down to the ground – including the siding, windows and doors. From the street-side driveway apron on up the drive to the garage. From your backyard kitchen and entertainment center to all the porches, decks, and patios around the home, you could consider the Refresh the property equivalent of a personal makeover.

Best of all, you can pick and choose to address the areas most important to you now, while scheduling the less critical aspects for a future date.

Roofing And Siding

Many people are surprised at what happens when a home’s exterior is properly cleaned. The best example refers to the roof and siding, where rust and organic material begin to discolor the material almost as soon as the installation is complete. Not only that – considering the square footage of your roof and siding – when they are left unattended, the entire property seems dirty and unappealing. Using the appropriate combination of gentle cleansers and the right power washing equipment leads to what is referred to as Soft Washing. This preserves the beauty of the underlying material while removing the unsightly debris from the surface and is especially appropriate for most roofing materials.

roof cleaning in monmouth county, nj

Gutters And Leaders

Your property’s water management and removal system depend on your gutters and leaders as their first line of defense. If gutters become clogged with leaves and other organic matter the water begins to back up, rather than follow the usual “path of least resistance” from gutter to the leader and down to the ground. When the water backs up, it flows over the edges of the gutter. Sometimes the overflow is visible in a rainstorm as the water comes up over the top of the gutter in an uncontrolled path to the ground. Other times, and more insidiously, the water flows over the back of the gutter where, unseen, it can enter behind the siding and begin to do real damage to the structure.Keeping gutters and leaders clear is a critical step in home maintenance.

roof cleaning, power washing and gutter cleaning in monmouth county, nj

Aprons, Driveways, Concrete, Pavers and Hardscape

There is a simple rule of thumb when it comes to deciding whether and which of the exterior components of your property need to be cleaned – “If It’s Not Green – Clean It!” The visual impact of a properly cleaned exterior cannot be overstated, for both visitors and owners alike. But the rose bushes and flower gardens can be excluded – a simple watering will do for them.

The Outdoor Kitchen / Entertainment Center

That term, “Entertainment Center”, says it all, doesn’t it? That’s where the fun happens. Whether your Entertainment Center consists of a simple barbecue grill and table and chairs or goes the full nine yards with a complete kitchen, dining facility, fire pit, and gaming center, cleaner is better. Cleanliness is key to enjoyment, especially in a cooking and dining area. Pool decks, porches and patios all are subject to showing signs of age and use – a Summer Refresh brings them back up to snuff. Be sure to power wash prior to your next party as well.

Lawn Furniture

Lawn furniture deserves special mention when discussing the Summer Refresh. New Jersey winters tend to badly abuse all types of outdoor furniture, from dining table and chairs to chaise lounges and side chairs. Everything from rust stains, mold and mildew to aluminum pitting seems to result from Jersey Winters and proper cleaning will restore the lost luster. (Wooden items like Adirondack Chairs require special care and attention of course, but when properly handled they also may take on a new and extended useful life.)

before and after of a power washed wooden bench in Holmdel, NJ

No discussion of caring for lawn and outdoor furniture would be complete without referencing the newest and most popular time-saver – Shrink Wrapping. Savvy homeowners have discovered that cleaning and Shrink-Wrapping outdoor furniture – before the Winter – saves time and effort when Summer rolls around again.

Summer Refresh Curb Appeal

When people hear the term “curb appeal” they immediately conjure up an impression that usually has something to do with property value – the dollar and cents perspective. And that’s valid, but it is not complete. Unless you are planning an imminent move or refinancing, the dollar impact is irrelevant.

Responsible homeowners know that curb appeal means more than just dollars and cents; much more. Curb appeal also refers to the pride, enjoyment and personal satisfaction that comes from responsible stewardship of those things that mean the most to us and our family.

Don’t wait – get up and go outside and walk around your house.Pay special attention to those aspects that have suffered most through another winter and select the ones that are most important right now.

Then call All Clean Exteriors at (732) 570-4923

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